Pest Control Guide Blog: Squirrels Hide Things in the Strangest of Places

Thursday 31 March 2016

Squirrels Hide Things in the Strangest of Places

Squirrels are a common sighting all across the state. While they are cute and fluffy and fun to see in your backyard, they can cause trouble with their stashes of food. Here are two inconvenient places where squirrels can secure the caches.

1. Attic Stashes

It may sound odd, but squirrels have been known to make their way into attics and hide caches of food there. Squirrels are rodents and must continuously gnaw away their teeth. If they are determined enough, they will chew through the soffit and make their way inside. Next, they will eat through the insulation until they make a cozy, warm nest inside your attic.

2. Check Your Garden

Squirrels are also talented in the hiding of nuts in your outdoor spaces. Squirrels will bury small amounts of their winter stashes in many locations. Some of the most common include:

·    Underneath logs or exposed tree roots.
·    Below piles of leaves raked up for the fall.
·    Below the soil in your garden.

To prevent squirrels from digging in your yard, you can cover the known squirrel hideouts with special hardware cloth.

Squirrels are a natural part of the ecosystem and can be a pleasure to watch and feed. However, when their pesky antics are invading your space, make sure to get professional help. To learn more about squirrel relocation in Raleigh, please visit this website.

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